Middle class life

There’s not a single one of us that hasn’t thought “I really need to get my life together”. When is our lives really together? I think the word “Life” itself is just a synonym for chaos. It’s not meant to be orderly and perfect. Because it never is. Now, certain points in your life can improve and become steady such as retirement, getting married and settling down and rearing your children while you advance in your career. Until your children start acting up, your significant other starts acting up, your family acting up, and now your acting up. "Acting up" slang for acting different/spiraling out of control, ect.

When you feel like your life is falling apart, something that helps me is to write it all down. Write down what you NEED to do and what you WANT to do. Give yourself a time frame. By the time the kids start school I will.... before Christmas I will.... in 3 months I will have ....
Next budget. I know we’ve heard it all before. Planning how your going to spend your money is one of my biggest challenges. Especially when your expenses outweighs your income. Your income can change but those bills don’t.  At least the important ones like rent, utilities and food. And if you live in a metropolitan city like I do, even “subsidized ” rent is around $800-900 a month. Anyone know the nearest homeless shelter?

Right, we don’t qualify. What do you call people who aren’t poor but not rich either? Middle class.
Where does America get most of their taxes from? Middle class. Remember when we all wanted to live “comfortably”?. Middle class. I know I’m speaking from a very broad perspective, but with the amount of reoccurring bills and fees due each month how much is really left for us to enjoy our lives? To save and invest? It seems like you can either live life to the fullest now while your young, or enjoy your retirement at an early age and work your butt off in your 20's and 30's. Never both. Except for those special circumstances where you grow rich overnight or win the sweepstakes. No, I’m not talking about those lucky bastards. I’m talking about the “American dream”. Seems more like a nightmare if you ask me.

It seems like for us "normal" people (those of us with minimal talent, average work ethic and just a tad above average intelligence) the only way to be successful is to go to school, join the military or pursue a trade. If you have no desire to do neither one of those things or can't for some reason your only option is to find a job, any job, and hope they tolerate you enough (or vise versa) to advance you up the ladder. Now, I doubt you will become CEO, the highest you will probably get (depending on the job of course) is an executive director or something to that aspect. After you put in about 10-20 years of hard, unappreciative work. Don't think because your an Amazon delivery driver making $15 an hour that your going to be the next Jeff Bezos. Sorry. Jobs like those need drivers so they're not going to remove you from that position for a while. They need people to do their dirty work, while the CEO's make the real money.


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